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Registration for the 2018 RECS Now Open!

The 2018 Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) will be held from May 30 to June 1, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington‚ DC.​
This event is free and open to the public. The online registration deadline is Tuesday,
May 15, 2018.
To register for the conference, please click the button below:
OPRE’s Portfolio of Research in Welfare and Family Self-Sufficiency 2017
Take a look at the latest Portfolio of Research in Welfare and Family Self-Sufficiency from OPRE's Division of Economic Independence for an overview of their work, some of which will be presented at RECS this year. The newly published report covers everything from TANF research to how behavioral science is being used in the social services field.
HPOG National Implementation Evaluation
OPRE just released a new report presenting the final findings from the National Implementation Evaluation of the first round of Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG 1.0). HPOG funds training programs in healthcare professions targeted to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients and other low-income individuals. This report summarizes training and services offered to and received by participants during HPOG 1.0. It also describes the education, employment, and earnings outcomes for samples of participants at varying time periods after enrollment. From 2 years prior to enrollment to 3 years following enrollment, TANF recipients experienced a 112% increase in employment and a 53% increase in earnings. Read the report to explore other outcome findings here

Conference Hotel and Travel Information

A block of rooms at the Renaissance Hotel has been reserved at a discounted rate for RECS attendees. The discounted room rate at the hotel is $253 per night (single or double occupancy) plus applicable state and local taxes. To receive this discounted rate, attendees must make reservations with the hotel by Friday‚ May 11‚ 2018. After that date, reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis and may be at a significantly higher rate. Please see the Hotel & Travel page of the website for more information.​​

5 Common FAQs About RECS


1. When and where is the conference being held?

The RECS is being held at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. The conference schedule is as follows: 
Wednesday, May 30, 2018—8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Thursday, May 31, 2018 — 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Friday, June 1, 2018 — 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
For a more detailed conference schedule, please visit the conference website
2. Who is the conference intended for? Is it an academic event, or a policy conference, or aimed around technical assistance?
The conference is intended for a broad audience, including State and local government administrators, Federal officials and policymakers, and researchers. While conference sessions are focused on research and evaluation, they have policy and practice applications. A number of sessions are designed to support policymakers and practitioners in understanding, developing, and applying research, and several sessions will speak directly to the needs of practitioners. Attendees at the 2016 conference came from the Federal government, nonprofits, universities, research firms, State and local governments, and philanthropy.
3. Will any of the conference sessions be archived?
Video footage of selected sessions will be made available on the conference website and on the ACF YouTube channel.
4. Is it possible to see agendas from previous years?
Agendas from previous conferences are available on the conference website
5. What opportunities are there to connect with RECS via social media?
Join the RECS LinkedIn Group and follow us on Twitter at RECS_OPRE to get the latest details about the RECS. 

Mobile App and Live Stream Information

Mobile App Information
The 2018 RECS mobile app will be available soon. The app will allow you to personalize your conference schedule, access speaker bios and presentations, and more!
Live Stream Information
Certain sessions during the 2018 RECS will be recorded and made available for your viewing during and after the conference. If you are unable to attend in person, please check the conference website to see which sessions are being recorded as well as for information on how to register for live stream sessions. 

RECS Email Sign-Up

To stay up-to-date on RECS happenings and related work, please sign up for our email list by clicking the button below.
RECS Email Sign-Up


Please direct questions about conference content to Tiffany McCormack (Tiffany.McCormack@acf.hhs.gov) or Amelia Popham (Amelia.Popham@acf.hhs.gov).
Please direct any general questions about conference logistics to recs@impaqint.com.

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