Wednesday, May 30, 2018 — 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. |
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. |
Opening Remarks and Welcome Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Naomi Goldstein (Administration for Children and Families)
- Steven Wagner (Administration for Children and Families)
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. |
Plenary: Remaking the Safety Net Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Clarence H. Carter (Administration for Children and Families)
- Mike Fishman (MEF Associates)
- Cynthia Dungey (Ohio Department of Job and Family Services)
- Pastor Corey Brooks (Project H.O.O.D.)
- Teena Faison (Solutions for Change)
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. |
Break |
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. |
Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
TANF Data Trends and Employment Outcomes
Grand North |
- Moderator: Gabrielle Newell (Administration for Children and Families/Business Strategy Consultants)
- Lauren Frohlich (Administration for Children and Families)
- Robert Goerge (Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago)
- Heather Hahn (Urban Institute)
- Michael Wiseman (Administration for Children and Families/George Washington University)
Building the Evidence on Community College–Led Training Strategies: Findings from the TAACCCT Evaluation
Renaissance East |
- Moderator: Janet Javar (U.S. Department of Labor)
- Lauren Eyster (Urban Institute)
- Judy Alamprese (Abt Associates)
- Ann Person (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Robin Fernkas (U.S. Department of Labor)
New Results from Youth Employment Evaluations
Grand South |
- Moderator: Girley Wright (Administration for Children and Families)
- Erin Valentine (MDRC)
- Danielle Cummings (MDRC)
- Megan Millenky (MDRC)
Engaging Low-Income Men in Workforce Development Programs
Renaissance West A |
- Moderator: Kenneth Braswell (Fathers Incorporated)
- Robert Doar (American Enterprise Institute)
- Lisa Klein Vogel (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
- Mindy Scott (Child Trends)
- Wendy Blackwell (Center for Urban Families)
Leveraging Administrative Data: New Data Analytics Tools and Testing Outcomes of Social Service Programs
Renaissance West B |
- Moderator: Maryanne Schretzman (NYC Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence)
- Chris Pecaut (Illinois Department of Human Services)
- Andy Martens (NYC Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence)
- Richard Hendra (MDRC)
New Findings in the Application of Behavioral Insights to Child Support Services Video
Grand Central |
- Moderator: Gretchen Lehman (Administration for Children and Families)
- Peter Baird (MDRC)
- Susan Brown (Franklin County Child Support Enforcement Agency)
- Roberta Mayers (Veritas HHS)
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. |
Lunch On Your Own |
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. |
Lunchtime Panel: Discussion on Careers in Research Related to Poverty, Family Self-Sufficiency, and Social Welfare
Renaissance A |
- Moderator: Elaine Carpenter (Administration for Children and Families/Business Strategy Consultants)
- Nina Chien (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- Reginald Covington (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Chris Pecaut (Illinois Department of Human Services)
- T’Pring Westbrook (Annie E. Casey Foundation)
1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. |
Plenary: ACF’s Career Pathways Evaluation Findings: What Have We Learned and Future Directions for the Field Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Moderator: Mark Fucello (Administration for Children and Families)
- David Fein (Abt Associates)
- Laura Peck (Abt Associates)
- Molly Irwin (U.S. Department of Labor)
2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. |
Emerging Scholars Poster Session
Grand Ballroom Foyer |
- Theresa Anderson (Urban Institute)
Helping Public Housing Residents Access Jobs: Evaluation Findings from Jobs-Plus Expansion in New York City
- Kathryn Andrews (Harvard University)
Supporting Families of Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to Access Supplemental Security Income
- Flor Avellaneda (University of Houston)
Conducting RCTs in Community Agencies: Challenges and Opportunities
- Junghee Bae (University of Georgia)
Cumulative Inequality in Teen Parents and Job Achievements: Mediation Effect of Educational Achievement
- Maura Baldiga (Brandeis University)
Poverty and Public Assistance Prevention: Targeting Low-Income Workers in Paid Family and Medical Leave Programs
- Jacob Bastian (University of Chicago)
Unintended Consequences? More Marriage, More Children, and the EITC
- Caroline Black (University of Washington)
Relationships that Protect: Parallel Process Growth Curves and Mediated Effects Among Teenage Parents’ Supportive Relationships, Maternal Harsh Parenting Behaviors, and Children’s Mental Health
- Maria Cole (Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation)
Interviews and Conversations About Leaving Services (iCALS): Formative Evaluation
- Seth Hartig (Columbia University)
Updating Basic Needs Budgets to Incorporate the Impact of Nontraditional Work, Pre-K, and Afterschool Programs
- Ania Jaroszewicz (Carnegie Mellon University)
The Psychological Costs of Seeking Help for Financial Hardships
- Kevin Kelly (Mathematica Policy Research)
A Systematic Review to Support Implementation of Effective Programs to Support Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents
- Delia Kimbrel (Brandeis University)
Achieving Economic Security: The Experience of Participants in the HUD Family Self-Sufficiency Program
- Agustina Laurito (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Does School Lunch Fill the “SNAP Gap” at the End of the Month?
- Eleanor Martin (University of Michigan)
Virtual Mentorship to Support Maternal and Infant Health and Well-Being: Understanding the Participant Experience and Evaluating the Impact of NurturePA
- Raymond Petren (Penn State Worthington Scranton)
Relationship Stability Among Mothers of Young Children and New Partners
- McKenzie Roddy (University of Miami)
Effects of and ePREP on Individual Mental and Physical Health for Low Income Couples
- Rhucha Samudra (The College at Brockport, State University of New York)
To Eat or Not to Eat? An Explorative Analysis of Food Security Among Disconnected Women
- Trupti Sarode (Future Services Institute)
Using Developmental Evaluation to Support Innovation in Social Programs
- Owen Schochet (Georgetown University)
Investigating the Two-Generation Impact of the Child Care Subsidy Program: Do Subsidies Support Maternal Education?
- Megan Schoor (Washington State Department of Social and Health Services)
An Evaluation of Child Support and Self-Sufficiency Outcomes of DCS Alternative Solutions Participants
4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. |
Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
More Than a Nudge: Engaging TANF Recipients in Welfare-to-Work Programs
Grand South |
- Moderator: Victoria Kabak (Administration for Children and Families)
- Mary Farrell (MEF Associates)
- Sophia Sutcliffe (MDRC)
- Peter Baird (MDRC)
ACF’s Career Pathways Portfolio: A Closer Look at Early Impact Findings and Interpretation
Grand North |
- Moderator: Hilary Forster (Administration for Children and Families)
- Karen Gardiner (Abt Associates)
- Eleanor Harvill (Abt Associates)
- Jacob Klerman (Abt Associates)
Impacts of Programs to Avoid Sexual Risk and Prevent Pregnancy
Renaissance West A
- Moderator: Seth Chamberlain (Administration for Children and Families)
- Reginald Covington (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Brian Goesling (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Susan Zief (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Lisa Rue (University of Northern Colorado)
Healthy Marriage-Relationship Education Programming for Adults as Individuals: Findings from the STREAMS Process Study
Renaissance West B |
- Moderator: Charisse Johnson (Administration for Children and Families)
- Diane Paulsell (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Daniel Friend (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Scott Roby (Public Strategies)
- Scott Stanley (University of Denver)
You Shall Not Pass: The Use of Evaluation Tollgates in Building Evidence for Social Programs Video
Grand Central |
- Moderator: Maria Woolverton (Administration for Children and Families)
- George Gabel (Westat)
- Heidi Melz (James Bell Associates)
- M.C. Bradley (Mathematica Policy Research)
The Opioid Epidemic: What It Means for TANF Participants and How to Effectively Serve Them
Renaissance East |
- Moderator: Clare DiSalvo (Administration for Children and Families/Business Strategy Consultants)
- Wilson Compton (National Institutes of Health)
- Justin Germain (MEF Associates)
- Tonya Feese (Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services)
- Brent Orrell (ICF International)
5:15 p.m. |
RECS Social Gathering
Renaissance Hotel Mixx Lounge
NAWRS Happy Hour
Renaissance Hotel Mixx Lounge |
Thursday, May 31, 2018 — 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. |
8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. |
Opening Remarks Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Mark Fucello (Administration for Children and Families)
8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. |
Plenary: Implementing the Recommendations of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Moderator: Nick Hart (Bipartisan Policy Center)
- Katharine Abraham (University of Maryland)
- Ron Haskins (Brookings Institution)
- Naomi Goldstein (Administration for Children and Families)
10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. |
Break |
10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. |
Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
The Impact of Different Approaches to Providing Job Search Services to Low-Income Job Seekers Video
Grand Central |
- Moderator: Molly Irwin (U.S. Department of Labor)
- Jacob Klerman (Abt Associates)
- Karin Martinson (Abt Associates)
- Kinsey Dinan (NYC Department of Social Services)
Pathways for Advancing Careers and Education: Evaluator and Program Leaders Discuss How Evaluation Informed Programs
Renaissance East |
- Moderator: Nicole Constance (Administration for Children and Families)
- Karen Gardiner (Abt Associates)
- Amanda Abens (Pima Community College)
- Seanna Melchior Ruvkun (Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County)
- Kim Stupica Dobbs (Administration for Children and Families)
New Data on Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care
Grand North |
- Moderator: Catherine Heath (Administration for Children and Families)
- Mike Pergamit (Urban Institute)
- Justin Harty (University of Chicago)
- Tammy White (Administration for Children and Families)
Integrated Approaches to Supporting Child Development and Improving Family Economic Security
Renaissance West A |
- Moderator: Carli Wulff (Administration for Children and Families)
- Scott Baumgartner (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Marjorie Sims (Ascend at the Aspen Institute)
- T’Pring Westbrook (Annie E. Casey Foundation)
- Duane Yoder (Garrett County Community Action)
The Family Self-Sufficiency Data Center: Addressing the Challenges of Evidence-Based Policymaking
Renaissance West B |
- Moderator: Brian Campbell (D.C. Department of Human Services)
- Scott W. Allard (University of Washington)
- Robert Goerge (Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago)
- Emily Wiegand (Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago)
Child Care as a Critical Work Support: How Do Variations in Local Community Context, Family Work Needs, and Racial/Ethnic Differences Shape Access to Child Care Assistance?
Grand South |
- Moderator: Michael López (National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families)
- Dionne Dobbins (Child Care Aware® of America)
- Peter Hepburn (University of California at Berkeley)
- Heather Sandstrom (Urban Institute)
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
Lunch on Your Own |
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
Lunch Symposium: The Responsiveness of the Safety Net to the Changing Geography of Poverty Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Scott W. Allard (University of Washington)
1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. |
Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
Coaching in Employment Programs: Reflections from Three Practitioners
Renaissance West A |
- Moderator: Sheena McConnell (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Noelle Simmons (San Francisco Human Services Agency)
- Dan Martinez (Southeast Michigan Community Alliance)
- Larry Timmerman (Ramsey County Workforce Solutions)
Building and Using Evidence for Workforce Development Programming Decision-Makers: New Findings from the Field
Renaissance West B |
- Moderator: Terri Zhu (Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership)
- Kelsey Schaberg (MDRC)
- Joseph Gasper (Westat)
- David Berman (NYC Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity)
Proven Strategies to Accelerate Educational Achievement and/or Labor Market Success
Grand South |
- Moderator: Amelia Popham (Administration for Children and Families)
- Mark Elliott (Economic Mobility Corporation)
- Howard Rolston (Independent Consultant)
- Michael Weiss (MDRC)
- Harry Holzer (Georgetown University)
Promoting Healthy Relationships Among Youth Through Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Video
Grand Central |
- Moderator: Samantha Illangasekare (Administration for Children and Families)
- Mindy Scott (Child Trends)
- Julia Alamillo (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Diane Paulsell (Mathematica Policy Research)
Integrated Intake and Case Management – The Power of Integrated Data Systems
Renaissance East |
- Moderator: Kathleen Moore (Administration for Children and Families/Institute for Research on Poverty)
- Sam Elkin (MEF Associates)
- Deleena Patton (Washington Department of Social and Health Services)
- Nicole Deterding (Administration for Children and Families/Business Strategy Consultants)
Building the Next Generation of Child Support Policy Research
Grand North |
- Moderator/Presenter: Asaph Glosser (MEF Associates)
- Scott Lekan (Administration for Children and Families)
- Lauren Antelo (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- Nicole Constance (Administration for Children and Families)
2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. |
Break |
2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. |
Facilitated Roundtables Session |
A Focus on User Experience: Parents’ Perspectives on Efforts to Improve Social Service Programs
Renaissance West B |
- Heather Hahn (Urban Institute)
- Mike Katz (Urban Institute)
Advancing Racial and Economic Equity for Domestic Violence Survivors: Demonstration Sites and National Impact Agenda
Grand North |
- Sara Wee (Center for Survivor Agency and Justice)
- Erika Sussman (Center for Survivor Agency and Justice)
Behavioral Design in Poverty Alleviation Programs
Grand Central |
Bridging the Digital Divide: Exploring Implications for Economic and Educational Opportunity
Grand South |
- Brittany McGill (Insight Policy Research)
Bringing Behavioral Science and Innovative Tools to Social Service Programs: Opportunities and Challenges in Child Welfare
Renaissance East |
- Rekha Balu (MDRC)
- Felicia Curcuru (Binti)
Building Knowledge on Employment Programs for Low-Income Families: Where Do We Go From Here?
Grand Central |
- Dan Bloom (MDRC)
- Mike Fishman (MEF Associates)
Developing Partnerships in Justice-Involved Programs
Grand North |
- Robyn Cenizal (National Resource Center for Healthy Marriage and Families)
The Future of Work and Financial Security
Grand South |
- Signe-Mary McKernan (Urban Institute)
- Caleb Quakenbush (Urban Institute)
The Power of Microsimulation – Using TRIM to Estimate the Effects of Social Policy
Renaissance West A |
- Lauren Antelo (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- Nina Chien (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- Gene Falk (Congressional Research Service)
- Suzanne Macartney (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
Reducing Child Poverty in California: A Look at Housing Costs, Wages, and the Safety Net
Grand North |
- Caroline Danielson (Public Policy Institute of California)
- Sarah Bohn (Public Policy Institute of California)
Roadmap to Evidence-Based Decision Making: Developing ACF Office of Refugee Resettlement’s First Learning Agenda
Grand South |
- Sarah Dunning (Administration for Children and Families)
- Jennifer Schmalz (Administration for Children and Families)
Self-Regulation, Goals, and Self-Sufficiency Outcomes: A Conceptual Framework and Applications in the Field
Renaissance East |
- Michelle Derr (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Charisse Johnson (Administration for Children and Families)
- Lisa Washington-Thomas (Administration for Children and Families)
Taking a Data-Driven Approach to Dissemination: The Case of an Online Research and Evaluation Clearinghouse
Renaissance West B |
- Miriam Jacobson (ICF International)
3:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. |
Break |
4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. |
Plenary: Serving the Hardest to Employ: Evidence from Evaluations of Subsidized Employment Programs Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Moderator: Erica Zielewski (Office of Management and Budget)
- Dan Bloom (MDRC)
- Cindy Redcross (MDRC)
- Clarence H. Carter (Administration for Children and Families)
- Harry Holzer (Georgetown University)
- Grant Collins (Fedcap)
5:15 p.m. |
Young Professionals Happy Hour
Marriott Marquis High Velocity Bar
Friday, June 1, 2018 — 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. |
8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. |
Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
TANF: Transitional Jobs and Policy Change
Renaissance East |
- Moderator: Anthea Seymour (D.C. Department of Human Services)
- Brian Cadena (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Johannes Bos (American Institutes for Research)
- Karen Armstrong (IMPAQ International)
Improving TANF and Employment Services for Refugees and Survivors of Trauma
Renaissance West A |
- Moderator: Damon Waters (Administration for Children and Families)
- Angela Gaffney (MEF Associates)
- Hilary Chester (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
- Andrea Hetling (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Building the Evidence Base on Programs for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Grand South |
- Moderator: Brett Brown (Administration for Children and Families)
- Amy Dworsky (Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago)
- Jiffy Lansing (Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago)
- Denali Dasgupta (Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago)
Multi-Use Management Information Systems: Strategies for Development, Use, and Data-Driven Learning
Grand North |
- Moderator/Presenter: Seth Chamberlain (Administration for Children and Families)
- Hilary Forster (Administration for Children and Families)
- Nathan Sick (Urban Institute)
- Rina Randriamanantena (Phoenix Houses of New York)
- Seanna Melchior Ruvkun (Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County)
Why Contextual Rigor is Necessary for Scientific Rigor: Examples from the Field
Renaissance West B |
- Moderator: Aleta Meyer (Administration for Children and Families)
- Meryl Barofsky (Administration for Children and Families)
- Tess Abrahamson-Richards (James Bell Associates)
- Michelle Sarche (University of Colorado – Denver)
Deepening Our Understanding of Racial and Ethnic Differences and Disparities Video
Grand Central |
- Moderator: Kim Clum (Administration for Children and Families)
- Pamela Winston (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Marla McDaniel (Urban Institute)
- Larry Timmerman (Ramsey County Workforce Solutions)
9:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. |
Break |
10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. |
Closing Remarks Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Emily Schmitt (Administration for Children and Families)
10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. |
Plenary: Parents and Children Together: Findings from an Experimental Evaluation of Six Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programs Video
Grand Ballroom |
- Moderator: Robin McDonald (Administration for Children and Families)
- Sarah Avellar (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Halbert Sullivan (Fathers' Support Center)
- Scott Wetzler (Montefiore Medical Center)
- Wade Horn (Former Assistant Secretary for Children and Families/Deloitte Consulting)
11:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. |
Break |
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
Learn, Innovate, Improve (LI2): An Analytic Approach to Using Evidence for Continuous Program Improvement
Grand North |
- Moderator: Victoria Kabak (Administration for Children and Families)
- Michelle Derr (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Annalisa Mastri (Mathematica Policy Research)
- Jonathan McCay (Mathematica Policy Research)
Job Characteristics and the Well-Being of Low Income Adults and Families
Renaissance West A |
- Moderator: Michelle Blocklin (Abt Associates)
- Marta Alvira-Hammond (Child Trends)
- Richard Hendra (MDRC)
- Rebecca Kleinman (Mathematica Policy Research)
Using Research to Better Understand and Close the Opportunity Gap for Low-Income Youth Video
Grand Central |
- Moderator: Marsha Silverberg (U.S. Department of Education)
- Stephen Provasnik (U.S. Department of Education)
- David Fein (Abt Associates)
- Rebecca Maynard (University of Pennsylvania)
- Raphael Rosenblatt (Year Up)
Fatherhood Program Effects on Low-Income Fathers and Families
Grand South |
- Moderator: Anna Solmeyer (Administration for Children and Families)
- Michelle Manno (MDRC)
- Jennifer Bellamy (University of Denver)
- Erin Kramer Holmes (Brigham Young University)
Emerging Research from the Family Self-Sufficiency and Stability Research Consortium
Renaissance West B |
- Moderator: Nicole Deterding (Administration for Children and Families/Business Strategy Consultants)
- Greg Fabiano (University of Buffalo)
- Colleen Heflin (Syracuse University)
- Jodi Sandfort (University of Minnesota)
Homeless Families’ Experiences with Public Benefit Programs, Employment, and Family Transitions
Renaissance East |
- Moderator: Amanda Benton (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- Jill Khadduri (Abt Associates)
- Lauren Dunton (Abt Associates)
- Douglas Walton(Abt Associates)
1:00 p.m. |
Conference Adjourns |