Frequently Asked Questions

Conference Logistics

When and where was RECS 2024 held?

The Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) was held Wednesday, May 29 through Friday, May 31, 2024 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.

When will the next RECS be held?

The next RECS will take place in 2026. The call for proposals for RECS 2026 will open in summer 2025.

Who organizes RECS?

RECS is convened by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) in the Administration for Children and Families in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The American Institutes for Research (AIR) provided coordination support to RECS 2024.


General Questions

How can I stay updated on future RECS conferences?

You can sign up for the conference email list to receive updates. You can also follow OPRE on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Whom do I contact with additional questions?

Please email with any questions about the conference.


Conference Content

What topics are discussed at the conference?

The conference focuses on cutting-edge research on family self-sufficiency and social welfare programs and policies. RECS 2024 featured presentations and discussions on topics including: TANF programs, policies, and populations; employment and mobility in the labor market; youth well-being and the transition to adulthood; strengthening families, fatherhood, marriages, and relationships; evaluating social programs, building evidence, and using data; and approaches to alleviate poverty and expand opportunity.

How can I view content from previous conferences?

Agendas and videos of selected sessions from RECS 2022 and earlier conferences are available on the RECS website, and recordings of RECS 2024 livestreamed sessions will be posted in late summar 2024.

Are the RECS 2024 slides available after the conference?

Slides from RECS 2024 sessions will be accessible through the RECS App until August 2024, and may be requested via email when the mobile app closes.

Who is the conference intended for?

The conference is intended for a broad audience, including state and local government administrators, federal officials and policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. While conference sessions are focused on research and evaluation, they have policy and practice applications. A number of sessions are designed to support policymakers and practitioners in understanding, developing, and applying research, and several sessions will speak to the direct needs of practitioners. Organizations represented at RECS 2024 included the federal government, nonprofits, universities, research firms, state and local governments, and philanthropies.

Can I earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for attending the conference?

CEUs are not offered at RECS.


Social Media

What opportunities are there to connect with RECS via social media?

Information about RECS is shared on OPRE's social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.