Past Conferences
2010 Session Videos
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Welcome and Introductory Remarks
The Role of Evidence in Policy
TANF Reauthorization: Future Directions for the TANF Program
Mark Greenberg (Administration for Children and Families)
- Sheldon Danziger (University of Michigan)
- LaDonna Pavetti (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)
- Julie Kerksick (Wisconsin Department of Children and Families)
- Don Winstead (Florida Department of Children and Families)
- Margaret Simms (The Urban Institute)
Training as an Employment Retention and Advancement Strategy for Low-Income Individuals: Cross-Project Findings and Promising Practices
The Future of Employment, Retention and Advancement: How Do We Move Forward?
Plenary Session: Child Well-Being and Economic Downturns
Transitional Jobs and Subsidized Employment for Retention and Advancement
Men, Fathers and Income Support Policy
Connections to Businesses: A Path to Improved Retention and Advancement?
Cross-Agency Collaboration in the Federal Government: Identifying and Promoting Shared Interests
David Hansell (Administration for Children and Families)
- Richard Balkus (U.S. Social Security Administration)
- Kevin Concannon (Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services,
U.S. Department of Agriculture) - Brenda Dann-Messier (Office of Vocational and Adult Education,
U.S. Department of Education) - Gerri Fiala (Employment and Training Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor) - Mark Johnston (Office of Community Planning and Development,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Employment Strategies for the Hard-to-Serve
Invitation to the NAWRS Conference