Past Conferences

2024 Session Videos

Opening Remarks and Plenary Session

Building Bridges Between Evidence Production and Use

Breakout Session

Disrupting Racial Bias in Employment Processes: Opportunities for Workforce Programs and Building Evidence

Plenary Session

TANF Flexibilities to Provide Concrete and Economic Supports for Primary Prevention in Child Welfare

Breakout Session

Challenges and Opportunities in the Evaluation of Programs Serving Transition-Age Youth

Plenary Session

LGBTQIA2S+ Inclusivity and Equity in Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Programs

Breakout Session

Using the Program Manager's Guide to Evaluation: A Training for Evaluators and Practitioners

Emerging Scholars Lightning Talks II

Plenary Session

Understanding Whole-Family Well-Being: Looking Beyond Employment and Earnings

Breakout Session

Employment Coaching: Giving People With Low Incomes More Autonomy as They Work Toward Economic Security

Breakout Session

The Challenges and Benefits of Integrative Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programming: Unique Perspectives From Three Veteran Grantees

Breakout Session

Expanding Opportunities for Latino and Indigenous Student Parents Through Higher Education

Closing Remarks and Plenary Session

Next Steps for Applying Behavioral Insights and Reducing Administrative Burden in Work Support Programs